Today, the Internet provides new ways of professional and social networking which was unheard of 10-15 years ago.
Internet based social networks allow you to reach out virtually and connect with others nearby or globally without the need to travel or exchange business cards. LinkedIn and Facebook are two popular networking sites. These web sites can help you build and maintain networks of professionals and friends.
http://www.linkedin.com/, is viewed as more of a professional networking site.
http://www.facebook.com/, is more casual, one that provides humorous ways of connecting and exchanging topics.
Both of these sites provide a number of ways of connecting to your professional peers and friends.
What social networks can be used for:- Finding old friends and colleagues,
- Making new acquaintances,
- Learn about ones career background,
- Search for business opportunities,
- Identify potential clients and subject matter experts,
- Search for jobs
Registration: In order to search, connect with others, and use advanced site and networking features, both sites require that you to register and create a profile.
LinkedIn has both free and subscription options. In general, the free membership option serves most peoples needs. However, if you are a recruiter or a hiring manager, then the subscription option with additional capabilities may be worthwhile.
Facebook is free, with a number of playful features, which may appear somewhat tacky to serious business users - this is more of a fun social networking site.
Final Word: When using networking sites keep in Internet security mind - be sure not to include or disclose any personal or confidential information to prevent identity theft and fraud. Make it a good practice to confirm that the person(s) you correspond with are those you know or have previously come into contact with and feel that they can be a trusted connection.
Initially starting and maintaining your professional and/or personal networks takes some time and effort - it is not done automatically.
Connect with Others: Do sign up with either LinkedIn and/or Facebook to connect with others Try to expand your networks and learn about each other. Who knows, the next time your school alumni, friends, local community, or employer has a special project, someone may request your expertise.
My Linkedin Profile can be found at:
http://www.linkedin.com/in/donaldlmooreSend your feedback / comments to:
Donald Moore or